
Where you been?

answer: working my new job. 

What's that?
answer: early childhood specialist, a.k.a. preschool teacher at Nooksack Elementary (neighbor to Sumas). 

What do you do? Team teach a group of head start (government funded group) in the mornings with a head start teacher, and teach my own group of 10 preschoolers in the afternoons. 

Are you overwhelmed? Well, I'm going on my first home visit to go over 13, yes that's right, 13 forms with parents of one my preschoolers. I just learned about the forms yesterday, so it's a little fast. 

Are you excited? Very. Not only is the job better pay, it is full time, full benefits including retirement, and I get to work with some preschoolers in Spanish (something I have been super interested in since last spring). 

How was your guys trip to Mexico? Incredible. It will require several of its own posts. 


We outta here!

Time to build us a house, e-speak-a some spanish, and learn from some Great Mexican people.

Don't expect to hear from us for a week or two. We out.


Sunday afternoon is the beginning of "Mexico Missions Trip 2008." 

We are having the whole team over for dinner and then departing for Seattle. Sunday evening, the whole team is staying at Bjørn's parents' church in Port Orchard. Fly out Sunday morning. Mexico 2008 from Monday to the following Tuesday evening.

Wednesday morning head up to San Diego to surf, water ski, boogie board, etc. as a team fun day. Thursday morning, the team departs and Bjørn and I start our Anniversary trip. Sunday morning: fly out of San Diego to Seattle, drive home. 

The next week: move out of our house, maybe start a new job that Wednesday (with the school district). I do have an interview with Lynden School District tomorrow - career center counselor/secretary. Ya never know.


Herb garden meet the world wide web

World wide web, meet my herb garden. 

Lots of mint, 2 chives & a little thyme

my blooming tomato bushes and 3 different types of Oregano
     It's taken almost 5 weeks for my garden to take off, but now not only do I have all these lovely herbs pictured above, I have lemon basil, regular basil, Rosemary, and a little cilantro. 

     As many of you know, Bjørn and I are moving out at the end of August and back to the Eide Compound (where 2 of Bjørn's aunts and uncles already live), into Bjørn's grandparents' old house- still in Lynden. Thus, it makes me sad that we are leaving our healthy herb garden soon. Maybe I could transplant 1 or 2? Or at least pick a lot the day before we move out. At least now, I know I can garden a little! I was definitely doubting myself for about a month there.


We know how to celebrate

For our one year anniversary, Bijørno and I went out to dinner and dessert at Arms Reach Bistro in Deep Cove, BC, where Bjørn had proposed to me me 1 1/2 years ago. It was much more fun to be there in good weather (compared to January) and healthy (compared to having mono). 

Arms Reach Bistro - Anniversary
after dessert

Arms Reach Bistro - Proposal Night

On the Dock.
The dock with a view