MY computer man
We drove through Vancouver and turned off towards Mt. Seymour. I asked Bjorn as a joke if he was taking me out to the Seymour cafeteria for dinner? He thought that was pretty funny.
We actually went to Deep Cove, this gorgeous little community right on the water that I’ve wanted to go to for quite awhile. The restaurant we ate at sits up on a hill with a view out over the water (which looks like a little lake) with snow covered mountains surrounding it. Bjorn got us a seat with the best view in the restaurant, so that we both sat looking out over the water. For dinner it just happened they had a special three-course meal for a set price, so we both ordered that. I absolutely loved the food. It was a delightful meal. And the dessert was straight from heaven—Belgian chocolate cake, sliced 1/8 inch thin—so rich you feel like you might pass out!
I had made Bjorn a deal that I would go on a short walk with him after dinner. It was extremely cold, but we walked down to the water and out onto a boat dock. At this point the night was incredible with the moon and stars shining, and standing with the water surrounding us, and the reflection of the lights floating all around. After a short kiss I told Bjorn I was going to remember this night forever. He asked why and I said, it was all just so great tonight, the perfect dinner, the perfect view, the perfect guy. He smiled and said good.
I was so cold Bjorn took me back to the car to get warm. As we were getting ready to leave he said he wanted to show me something he had been working on, on his computer. He gave me his computer and actually told me his password (no I will NOT repeat it!), which is kind of a big deal because we had an argument about how he never tells me his passwords! At this point, a lot of you have for sure clued into what is going on…me on the other hand, probably due to being sick, I thought nothing of the whole situation.
So I got on his computer and there’s a picture of him and me from last year. He then tells me to press F12 like a true Computer science major, and up pops a picture of the ring he’d bought for me, and a little proposal (you can see below). He then got on his knees and confessed his true love for me. After some convincing, I said yes ;)
Due to me being sick we decided to postpone doing anything else and instead called our darling friend Amy, who within one minute of finding out the good news was going crazy planning a celebration party with our closest friends. As much fun as the engagement was, I think the party might have been even more fun. Everyone was just so happy!! It was definitely the way to celebrate!
Sadly, but not too sadly, I have to wait another 3 weeks for the ring because it is being custom designed in my hometown Corvallis, Oregon. But trust me, it is going to be gorgeous!!
composed by Jennifer Bulthuis 109 notes
The Vision for V.242
Vintage Ministries
Bjorn and I have been part of a church for 2 years now, Vintage 242 that meets in Abbotsford, BC. It is a Mennonite plant, a part of Acts 29 network (through Mars Hill of Seattle), and a reformed church...quite the connections! Our church is roughly 100 people. For the past two years we have met Sunday evenings in a Mennonite church.
For about a year, our elders, Johnny and Kevin, have felt called by God to move to downtown Abottsford and become a part of the downtown community. After ignoring this call for quite some time because it seemed ridiculous (financially and etc.), they have finally acknowledged God's voice and have turned to our church to ask us very seriosuly if this is something God is calling our church to become a part of. The old, historic postal office downtown has been for sale for over a year. Johnny and Kevin have dialogued with the city, ABDA (Abbotsford Business District Association), and the owner for several months now.
The owner has agreed to sell the postal office to our church, as long as we follow the proper zoning codes and pay a sum of $1.2 million dollars. For a small, poor church like ours, a million dollars is a pretty huge deal.
This is the point, where our church has had to collectively fall on our knees and have faith that if God wills it, it will happen. On Jan. 31, we must make a first payment of $200,000 to the owner. We will then have until March 19 to pay the remaining million dollars. The Mennonite Brethern Conference is considering helping out church, but to what extent we are unsure.
At this point, our elders are dialoging with wealthier men to encourage them to have the vision we have for the downtown, as well as our entire church is praying as to what God wants them to sacrfice financially.
If we are to move downtown, we would hopefully transform the post office into an upscale cafe bistro, a conference center, and commercial offices. Vintage would use the post office for offices and on Sundays.
Check out our site that shows pictures of the inside of the post office and the vision our church has. And please pray as our church hopefully "goes postal."
composed by Jennifer Bulthuis 1 notes
The amusing Bjorn
As some of you are well aware, whereas those of you who aren't probably could care less, Macworld started today. For certain people, namely Bjorn, this day is more anticipated than Christmas. Stevie Jobs (ceo of Apple) announced an iPhone today, which I greatly restrain from explaining as it is Bjorn's parade (and I would never dare to rain on it!), which is quite impressive. It is worth checking out.
And as entertaining as the video demos are (which I have inevitably viewed 3 times!), my greatest excitement was Bjorn's reaction to this phone. He came in to chapel late and the first words he says is "it's even more amazing than I could have imagined Jenny!" I didn't realize what he was talking about at first, I thought, 'hmm, maybe he really likes chapel today!' Then when I clued into the fact that he was talking about the iPhone, I couldn't but help but laugh as I noticed he was breathing very heavy from the excitement.
Dan, his roommate, later informed me that he sent an email to Bjorn as they were both reading a liveupdate of Macworld (in separate locations) that said, "this is amazing." Bjorn's repsonse email was, "I can't even breathe."
When I teased him about the iPhone excitement, he said, "Jenny, let me have my one day a year that I'm allowed to go crazy!" He is crazy, crazy about Apple. This is his "excitement dance."
composed by Jennifer Bulthuis 5 notes
Long distance: avoid at all costs
I always told myself that I would never date long distance. Of course, then the boy I was sweet on didn't ask me out until the day before I left for Lithuania for 5 months...so I guess rules we set for ourselves don't always work out! ;)
5 months was a long time, even with daily emails and skype. But long distance is always the worst the 2nd time through, because at that point, you know how much being away from each other will suck. Bjorn and I experienced this last summer when I, again left, to study in Guatemala for 6 weeks.
Poor little sis, Jillio, is now going through the 2nd time post-dramatic loss of Mike leaving again to finish basics in Georgia. Mike, a.k.a. Private Lange according to the US Army, enlisted last September and left for basics a month later. He was not allowed to contact Jill for one month. Since then, all they could do was write letters, until he finally had a 24-hour leave for Thanksgiving.
Although, everyone is proud of Michael's commitment, Jill is not enjoying having an Army boyfriend. Mike finishes in two weeks, when Jill and my dad will fly out to Georgia to watch him graduate, and then all three will return to Beautiful and wet Oregon. Go Mike! (and hurry home!)
composed by Jennifer Bulthuis 1 notes
What I read...
So, I decided to take on the one-year bible reading that Peter recommended.
Today, the most interesting verse I read was from Proverbs 1:4, in which a list of reasons for reading the Proverbs is given:
"To give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth..."
As a youth, I found this specific instruction to be speaking directly at me. This was a significant reorientation for me as I am at an age and place (university) where I am surrounded by knowledge and learning and many temptations and choices. And people my age make a LOT of very dumb and sometimes damaging choices.
I was reminded this morning, that it is in proverbs and in God's word that I should seek not only for knowledge of the mind, but for guidance as to what is right and healthy to pursue, in contrast to what may be harmful or wasteful.
composed by Jennifer Bulthuis 1 notes