
What I read...

So, I decided to take on the one-year bible reading that Peter recommended.

Today, the most interesting verse I read was from Proverbs 1:4, in which a list of reasons for reading the Proverbs is given:

"To give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth..."

As a youth, I found this specific instruction to be speaking directly at me. This was a significant reorientation for me as I am at an age and place (university) where I am surrounded by knowledge and learning and many temptations and choices. And people my age make a LOT of very dumb and sometimes damaging choices.

I was reminded this morning, that it is in proverbs and in God's word that I should seek not only for knowledge of the mind, but for guidance as to what is right and healthy to pursue, in contrast to what may be harmful or wasteful.